What level of language exam is accepted as a precondition of my diploma?
The homepage of the Department of Education and Matriculation describes the preconditions on separate tabs classifying information respecting different subjects and learning outcomes.
What is to be done if I have already done a language exam?
After a successful examination any gained certificate declared in the Training and Learning Outcomes Requirement may, with no time limit, be presented to the assistant at the Institution of Modern Philology; room 170, Block B, 13:00 – 14:00. You hand in your course record book to the assistant at the Department so as the certification may be recorded. The diploma will be issued in 30 days, according to TVSZ (Rules of Training and Examination). Reception of the degree is to be arranged with the assistant at the Department.
What is the account number of the Student Summary Account?
• 11744003-20622475
What are the most important deadlines?
Important deadlines are declared in the schedule accepted by the Senate of the University College of Nyíregyháza, available for checking or download at the homepage of the Department of Education and Matriculation.
What forms are to be used for applications?
Find available forms at the homepage of the Department of Education and Matriculation; check tab: Download Forms for Students.
How do I register for an exam in the NEPTUN system?
Select the Exams tab to register for our examinations. With the help of the Term filter you can select and register for an exam. In the exam list you see blue items you displaying exams you have already registered for. If you want to see available date and time, you will select the required subject from the Subjects dropdown list and click the List Exams button. Clicking the row of the selected exam, you will see the details of the selected exam (date/time/room number). You will also see a waiting list, if any, showing how many other students have been waiting for registration. To see a list of students having registered for an exam, click the Show Registered Students link. The Waiting List column displays your position in the list.
To register, click the Register label near date/time. After trying registration, the system will inform you via e-mail.
How can I cancel my exam registration?
Click the Registered Exams menu item to see a list and details of exams you have already registered for. In case you have accidentally registered an exam or you simply have changed your mind and want to cancel the exam, click Cancel near the exam item.
Why does NEPTUN not let me register for an exam?
First of all you have to verify if there had been a course registration performed when you took a unit. Check if the appropriate course had been selected. If there is no contradictory registration, consult the assistant at the Department; your application might have been cancelled due to fail of debt obligation.
When do I pay a repeated exam fee? How to pay?
According to the operative Higher Education Act students involved in higher education may, without paying a fee, re-sit an exam once. As for third and further re-sit exams, according to TVSZ (Rules of Training and Examination), students may register a re-sit exam after paying HUF 2,000, regardless which unit registration is in question. Paying for a re-sit exam is to be registered in the NEPTUN system, as follows:
Students’ web/finance/items/re-sit fee/<unit in question>/<sum to pay>pay
In case you have not yet paid for a re-sit exam for the unit in question, and the system informs you that the preconditions have not yet been fulfilled, you are behindhand concerning fees - the system retroactively monitors paying the fees. (E.g. when you are about to take a unit and a fifth exam registration appears, to successfully register, you are to pay in HUF 6,000).
When does the sum of money appear on the summary account?
The transferred fee will appear on the student’s sub account within 1-2 working days (OTP transactions).
How does the sum appear?
To list fees and services, click the List Items button. On the Details tab, first, select either Re-sit or Service. A further list of options will appear depending on your selection. As a second step, fill in the form, and to display the item, click the Create Item button. After correct input, an Item successfully displayed message is to appear on the Feedback tab, also the recorded item is to appear in the Pay In menu item.
To pay in an item, after setting the Pay In checkbox near your item, click the Next button. Provided the form has been filled in correctly, your session will successfully be closed after clicking OK and then Pay In buttons.
How to pay in the expenses?
Selecting the Pay In menu item you can list completed and due items. You can also handle your financial affairs here. To list your current items, scroll the Term menu on the Filter tab to select the term in question. You can also list the details of a selected item clicking the Details button.
To pay in an item, after setting the Pay In checkbox near your item, click the Next button. Provided the form has been filled in correctly, your session will successfully be closed after clicking the OK and then the Pay In buttons.
The deadline of paying expenses is recorded in TJSZ. Also, every term, before the date of expiration the Department of Education and Matriculation will inform you of your current duties.
How does the suggestion-box work?
To make suggestions concerning improvement in the service of the Department of Education and Matriculation, please, leave amessage.
What is the deadline to register a course?
Next term’s schedule is available and to be handled in June and January.
Confirmation of your unit registration is required before the end of the first week of the term.
What is the deadline for posterior unit registration?
Posterior unit registration is to follow a written application handed in to and accepted by the Credit Transfer Board. After paying the fee, posterior registration is to be recorded, not later than the end of the third week of the term; see annex 2, TJSZ.
I have already studied a similar unit at another institution of higher education. How do I validate my credits?
According to Regulations of Training and Examination you can validate your credits you have gained during your studies, provided the outline of the aimed unit in question corresponds 75% of the former one.
On the Credit Transfer Form you can hand in your application to the Training and Credit Transfer Board. You will also hand in a copy of the appropriate page of your registration course book as a basis of the transfer, and the outline of the former unit you have gained credits in.
The Credit Transfer Form is available at the homepage of the Department of Education and Matriculation. Select Download Forms for Students.
How many seminars, practice classes may I miss?
According to TVSZ (Regulations of Training and Examination) you are obliged to attend seminars and comprehensive practices. The acceptable number of missed classes is the number of weekly contact hours multiplied with three.
How many times may I pick up the same unit during the training process?
At the meeting on 16th March 2010 the Senate of the University College of Nyíregyháza modified the TVSZ (Regulations of Training and Examination). Up to that point students could only take a unit three times during their training, observing the regulations on previous studies as requirements.
In case students, after a third registration, fail to get an acceptable grade in the unit, their enrolment will be ceased, according to the Regulations of Training and Examination.
After the decision of the Senate, during the training, the number of unit registrations is not limited.
When is it allowed to have a break in the enrolment? What is the deadline to file for a break?
To be allowed to have a break in the enrolment, students are to fulfil 15 credits. A request concerning passive enrolment may be handed in to the Training and Credit Transfer Board after handing in the form available at the homepage of the Department of Education and Matriculation (Download Forms for Students).
The deadline of handing in the form is the end of the first week of the term.
At the beginning of the term in the NEPTUN system students can register their passive state.
If preconditions are acceptable (the student has not yet had a continuous period of two years as passive/has fulfilled 15 credits) the Board accepts the registration and adjudicates the student’s status passive.
I have not fulfilled the requirements of a unit during the semester. May I posterior drop the unit?
According to TVSZ (Regulations of Training and Examination) students may cancel the registration of a unit until the end of the third week of the term, after paying the stated amount of fee declared in annex 2 TJSZ.
I have failed an exam. What to do?
In case a student has not fulfilled the requirements of a unit, according to annex 2 in TSJZ, they are obliged to pay HUF 1,000/credit for the registered unit.
If the student misses to pay the fee, their unit registration will be banned in the course of the next term, furthermore, their term will not be registered as fulfilled.
As a full time student am I entitled to claim on health insurance?
Full time students in higher education are entitled to claim on health insurance, regardless their status of enrolment is active or passive. The institution reports the list of entitled students to the Bank of National Health Insurance. Students owning a TAJ (National Insurance Code) may only be reported. Students are encouraged to inform the Department of Education and Matriculation of their TAJ. The Dept will also require a copy of the TAJ card.
How do I get a student loan?
You can obtain the necessary forms at major post offices and at saving banks co-operating with the Student Loan Centre. Your representative is also entitled to make a loan contract.
What is the maximum amount of loan available at present?
Students in state financed trainings of higher education can take out a loan of monthly HUF 40,000.
Students of higher education paying tuition can take out a loan of monthly HUF 50,000.
The loan is available in monthly payments or in one during each term.
Who can get a student loan?
Students can take out a student loan on condition that they are Hungarian citizens, recognised as refugees or they hold a residential permit. They are entitled to take out a loan, if they are registered as students at an institution of higher education, their residence is reported to and registered in the personal data and dwelling information system, and they do not have a valid student loan contract.
I have changed my major subject. How does this affect my loan?
Using the appropriate form, students changing their major subject are to send the required data concerning the change to the Student Loan Centre (1245 Budapest Pf.:1003). If they do not report the changes, granting the loan may be ceased. If students are late to report the changes, granting may also be late.
Student Loan Central Customer Service availability
+36-1-224-96-98, www.diakhitel.hu
Student card assistance
At the Information Office operated by the Department of Education and Matriculation
Block „A”, room 023
Friday: 9.00 – 11.00
Tuesday: 13.00 – 15.00
How do I get my first student card?
If you did not requested a student card on your application form, the simplest way to request one is at the Information Office operated by the Department of Education and Matriculation. Fill in a form to request your student card. Stick your portrait photo (it may be black and white) on it and, at the campus post office, pay in HUF 1,600 using the cheque attached to the form. Save the stub of the cheque to request a temporary student card; later you can use the stub in case of making any complaint. Hand in the form filled in with your portrait photo; see also: reception hours.
How am I informed I have received my card?
On the notice board in the hallway of the Department of Education and Matriculation we display the list of students who have just received their student cards. You will receive your card at the Information Office; see also: reception hours.
How do I request a temporary student card?
On the summary account pay in HUF 140 + HUF 415 = HUF 555 for the temporary student card, then see the Information Office, bring the original stub of the cheque to verify paying in HUF 1,600 for requesting your student card. Also bring a portrait photo. Your temporary student card will be issued and immediately accessible; see also: reception hours.
How long is the sticker on my card valid?
Spring semester stickers are valid until 31st October.
Autumn semester stickers are valid until 31st March.
What is to be done when I have lost my card or it has got damaged?
Pay in HUF 2,000 for your lost or damaged student card and inform the Information Office of your affair. Then request a new student card; see: How do I get my first student card?